Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Where do I start? Last few days have been a blur to me, everything happened so fast, I didn’t even had a chance to blog about anything. If you are wondering what I am talking about…Well, I shifted to a new pg near my new college Pearl Academy of Fashion. My classes have started, I have made some amazing friends already and the teachers are super nice!

Well, to begin with, I had no internet connection for last 1 week, so I had written a post about how excited I am for the first day at Pearl, and how amazing is my new pg and the super spring-ey king-size bed of mine (yes, I will brag about it again & again!) but now that I read it, it feels so incomplete. So, I decided to write a new one.This one.

I am feeling like the most lucky person alive right now.I have got my own room, my super spring-ey bed, I am a fashion student at one of the most prestigious college of the nation and now, my internet connection is fixed! Life without internet is seriously a drag. I am so addicted to it, I wanted to tweet everything that was going on for the past few days, the amazing orientation, my new friends, the super cool library of Pearl and what not!But obviously I couldn't. 

And now, I seriously have no idea how to put so many events in words & in one single post, so I am gonna skip all that for now. I will just leave u guys with this stupid looking pic of mine, taken in Spaghetti Kitchen... 

Every thing has changed in my life, it's gonna take a little getting used to.But one thing I miss the most, or better say one person I miss the most is my best friend Aman....Come back to Delhi dude!!!It has lost it's charm without you!