Sunday, September 11, 2011


Last Tuesday, I went to the opening of Australia's first ever, truly authentic Ayurvedic Treatment Centre at Bondi & I invited Natasa to come with me.

The centre is opened by Rita Sagrani, who sold her fashion business to launch a much needed traditional treatment centre after having to travel every year to India to overcome her personal health challenges. Ayurveda is India's ancient science of life and longevity and is the healing or therapeutic sister science to Yoga. Each treatment is catered to the individual according to their own unique body type and personal structure, where traditional therapies detoxify the body and balance the mind, body and spirit. Herbal oils and natural ingredients are processed and used for each treatment and the massage therapists are trained from India, which means the experience will be entirely authentic.

One treatment in particular I was remember that was mentioned was the 2 letres of oil used to massage all over your body. Plus also another treatment where 2 letres of oil is slowly poured through over your forehead. It will apparently make you feel relaxed and out of this world. ( I can imagine!) I have yet to try, but will be very shortly! Will be a very very interesting experience.

The food on the night was all organic and vegetarian too! A very healthy change for me. The drinks were of course non alcoholic including mint and punch, and also another fruit punch with beetroot juice.

I do encourage you to take a look on their site to browse at some of their different treatments and history- here