Thursday, September 8, 2011


Last Wednesday, I landed on DIESEL ISLAND (Sun Studios)! The brave brand has always pushed the boundaries with concepts and this time, their new controversial campaign "Diesel Island: Land of the Stupid & Home of the Brave" continues to pose issues of our society. The whole concept was that because of all the pollution, wars and corruption, carbon tax, live cattle export, asylum seekers, Diesel believes this world to be a fucked up one. They think the stupid and the brave can do a better job in creating a new democracy with no limitation or boundaries and therefore comes - DIESEL ISLAND

Rock Royalty, model & DJ Alexandra Richards, daughter of Keith Richards (Rolling Stones) and model Patti Hansen was also on Diesel Island as Sydney's ambassador with her Australian boyfriend Nick Cohen. Alexandra was going around Australia djing with her boyfriend, including Spice Market in Melbourne and also supporting 666 Pure Vodka. She has been shot of course by Vogue (latest and hottest shoot by Tom Munro for Italian Vogue HERE) and some of the biggest photographers in the world, even nude for French Playboy (HERE) last year! She is also currently gracing the pages of the Louis Vuitton Jewellery lookbook HERE) I just love her rock grunge style. I had a quick chat with her. Take a look at the video below!

Upon entering Diesel Island,we were greeted by a pink goat! Yep a pink goat! We then went inside and crossed a bridge with sounds of waves and when we got to the other side, there were Diesel Island (models) citizens saluting with pillows. Fruitful drinks and cocktails with floating slogans signs on them like, "The World's F*cked Up"and amazing canapes gave a very organic vibe with the leaves and the flowers, it was the perfect compliment for the Diesel Island. There was also an installation, where models represented the life on Diesel Island. It had a very tropical island pirate feel to it. It was a great night with over 250 of Sydney's social went aboard the island!

CHECK OUT 2 videos below, one a short chat with Alexandra and one that shows the general vibe of the night.
PLUS the BOY MOMENTS FACEBOOK PAGE for even more pictures! HERE