Friday, August 19, 2011

Between classes and cupcakes

There! You can see my gigantic feet crawling outside the soles of my footwear.Awesome.

{Dress - Mi, Scarf - Bizarre, Shoes - Saash, Sunglasses - Aldo}

Disclaimer: I have not been getting proper sleep for last one week so excusez-moi if I make no sense in this post....

I can literally drift off to sleep any minute now. I have been having a really hectic week with all the assignments...though it might not look like it in the pics.The camera flashes, my smile flashes. It's automatic. I can't help it.
Fashion Designing is no easy task I tell you, it's sheer hard work. So, girls looking forward to join, brace yourselves for a hardcore professional training ride (with lots of bumps). The one thing that is keeping me going are these chocolate cupcakes and pineapple tarts, my mom made them and sent it to me. They are D.E.L.I.C.I.O.U.S! I come back home, pop one of these in my mouth, change into my comfy shorts, pop another piece in, and then check my mails, and get back to assignments. My personal de-stressors ^___^
But the pressure is increasing now and I need to partAy and shop to de-stress.Sweet tooth is not releasing the right hormones any more.And is there anything better out there other than retail therapy? I don't think so. No vitamins tablets for me please, Forever 21 would do the trick ;)

And, in other exciting news, my cutie Rashie's b'day is on Monday and we are going to PARTAY!! Nothing fancy, we are just going to cafe mocha and chill, the real party will come later. But yeah, I would be featuring her on my blog in her b'day outfit. So exciting! And I am also meeting two of my girlies from Amity this weekend for shopping, looking forward to lots of fun...I truly understand the meaning of TGIF now....phew!