Thursday, August 11, 2011

The colorful new life

Since I joined Pearl, I wanted to show you all few glimpses of my new life and my new friends.I am enjoying being in this college so so much in spite of the fact that they make you work 24*7! I returned from college today by 8pm...I had to stay back after classes ended at 4pm and do some assignments on stitching machines that were given to us. It's very hectic but at the same time really interesting! Have a look at the pictures now....

Rashie and Supriya, my new besties (Don't worry A, You'll always be at the top! :P )
We were given an activity in which we had to cut pictures from magazines and make collages.

I made this one...full of life and color ^_____^

My desk....

The one with the bangs is Surbhi, another friend...she has a very cute dressing style...
(You can click on the pictures to enlarge)

Rashie has a very smart dressing sense and she loves to accessorize her outfits with scarves!

Supriya prefers elegant and feminine style and that totally suits her.

Working our a**es off in draping class...

isn't she the cutest!!!

Everyone in my class is so sweet and friendly. And some have amazing dressing style! I am so tempted to feature them on my blog and will try to work further on this idea. 
Now I gotta go and finish another assignment :/