Friday, August 12, 2011

Rainy days...

{Top - Zara, Pants - Thrifted, Belt - Promod, Necklace - some boutique, Hat - gifted, Stack of bangles/Handbag - Forever21, Shoes - Wings}

I hate rainy days....I HATE HATE HATE THEM!!! And specially when I have my classes and they are giving so much work to do and we have to walk from one building to another and the road is crap!!!Yes, Pearl, Delhi has a verrrrrry poor infrastructure, to be very honest and clear...the buildings are scattered all over the place and you have to walk through scanty and dirt filled lanes to go from one class to another...Though I love my college in every other way, I hate this aspect of least they should construct the roads so that the students can at least walk straight in rainy season....

About my outfit, I DID WEAR this to college...I just removed the hat and the loud necklace...I wanted to be comfortable while sewing, you see....those huge machines will kill you if your concentration is biased towards your hat...