Saturday, September 10, 2011

Almost monochrome!

{ Top - [Voi], Shorts - self-made , Handbag - Forever 21, Flats - Carlton London, Scarf - thrifted}

These shorts are the best thing ever! In fact, shorts in general are the best thing ever!! I have been practically living in shorts for the last one week...It's the most functional thing in the rainy season...I hated to wash my denims everyday as they used to get soiled near the soles EVERY-F***ING-DAY! Now I just pull on a pair of shorts, a tee and some simple(read washable) flats and I am good to go! I made these shorts myself, check out the DIY tutorial HERE!!

As you can see, these pictures were not taken inside the four walls of my pg room but out in the open, under the sun, near a mall....and what does that mean?? My Aman is backkkk!!!!!!!! I have been going around with him almost everyday, watching movies, roaming in malls and shopping!!I finally shopped from a mall and not on a website!! His college will start next week so I don't know how often we will meet but I will make sure it's very very often ^_____^  I had missed my best friend so so much!!

P.S. - I forgot taking my camera with me, so these pictures were clicked by my phone's camera.

P.P.S. - Today I am going to Vogue's Fashion Night Out!!! So, stay tuned for the next post as it's gonna be all about tonight's fashionable night with lots and lots of pictures ^____^ Would I be bumping into any of you guys there? ;) :) :)