Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Last Wednesday, I went to G-Shock's 'Moment in Time' launch in Sydney at Lo -Fi. It was probably the biggest party in town. Not only were there a huge amount of watches showcased, but Big Boi from Outkast and Theophilus performed live! This was probably one of the biggest nights, with a full crowd dancing to their beats, including many Sydney socials like Didier Cohen,Dan Ewing, Nikki Phillip and Gracie Otto. I was only there for the second half of the night when Big Boi was performing, as I had to go to Diesel Island launch ( which I will post up shortly).

The party did get a little sauna sweaty, but all was good to have a live performance! The next day.. I was dead.

I recorded a short video of the night below! Have a watch!
Plus check out the BOY MOMENTS Facebook Page album here for more pics!