Saturday, September 3, 2011

Skirt & Hair

Today I am wearing a skirt sans tights for the first time since, April I think? Yay!

I also woke up and decided I wanted to look like a creepy giant doll, and they said I couldn't!

What should I do with this hair of mine?

See it's long, but it's super fine and there's not much of it. The last cut was an embarrassingly long time ago and she put it in layers, which I don't think works because I want long hair and the ends are straggly layered...

These are my ends which are grown out blonde foils. I used to walk around thinking it was the easy way to get balayage. I was kidding myself, obv. I love that my laptop wants to correct 'balayage' to 'jambalaya'. Sure, why not?

This is the pathetic excuse for a fringe (sorry, fringe, but really, pick your game up... and no, totally not my fault for not taking you to a salon). A fringe is all well and good when you have a good lump of hair to pull a fringe out from. I don't knoooow...


And now, a HAPPY HAIR MOMENT for your viewing pleasure;

bought to you by;
December, 2009
Ocean Grove Mini Golf
My Local Hairdresser
Salt Water

So, yeah, what now?
I am thinking darker, rich chocolate brown, no highlights, and that's as far as I get.
So stylish ladies of the world, please advise. Un-stylish ladies, look over there! A BIRD!

And does anyone else ever get random ads blurting out there speakers and no be able to figure out which window they're open in? How annoying..

Nat x