{ Pants & T-shirt - ZARA, Shoes - Vero Moda, Handbag - Da Milano }
Don't you feel sometimes so inspired by someone that you want to behave and become exactly like them?Well, I got inspired today to do a high fashion post. And who inspired me? Oona from The Billet-Doux....She always gets it right, she is effortlessly fashionable and one of the most cutest blogger ever!!!The last post she did, left me no choice but to mention her especially on my blog, she is impeccable in that one!!
And yes, I am totally smitten by these heels of Vero Moda and I just cannot get enough of it!! I try to find excuses to wear it and sometimes even create outfits around it! They did cost me a fortune though but I am glad I got them coz they are my sexiest pair of heels till now...
Now, I am going to go off and study for my papers tomorrow, and did you notice, I am trying my best to keep posting even through my exams??Yeah, it is a bit difficult but I did manage it, didn't I?LOL!