Monday, August 8, 2011

What We're Wearing + Davie's Birthday.......

We have been slacking on blogging lately (sorry!!), but we are BACK in the business of our 'What We're Wearing' posts, so stay tuned!  Anywho, it was Davie's birthday (big 2-3!) a few days ago...and aside from both of us slightly suffering from a mild case of quarter-life crisis, we are super thrilled to be working as much as we have been, traveling a ton, and doing all the things that we love-- ie. working and traveling.  Although our schedule has kept us from the blog as of late, it's been because we've been shooting some pretty awesome lookbooks, films, music videos, and campaigns or have otherwise been shooting on location or traveling to Miami.  Blah, blah, blah; Before this post drags on about our recent roller coaster of a schedule, let's get to the good stuff.  The CLOTHES! We've been shopping a lot...and we will readily admit that it's gotten a tad out of hand.  But, one life to live. la la la! So alas, some new clothes and Davie's 23rd birthday party.

[Erica: Cut-out Leopard Tank, Top Shop ($40). Black Maxi, Everly. Black Jeffrey Campbell Litas, Envi Shoes ($158). 
David: Pale Blue Button Down, Calvin Klein ($70). Dark Denim Skinnies, H&M. Zig Zag Cotton Mesh Slip On, Urban Outfitters ($28).  Sunglasses, Peach Frog ($13)].
Davie's 23rd Birthday: Dinner at Hachi followed by drinks at Lady Jay's. This night ended in surfing Brooklyn style (a la ironing board in the street) and lead to us missing a flight to Minneapolis the following morning. Enough said. Williamsburg, Brooklyn. 08.02.2011.

Let's Chat...................