Thursday, July 21, 2011

Workin' the high-waisted pants

{Pants/Top - local boutique, Ring - Aldo, purse - thrifted, Shoes - Venus Steps}

I am falling in love with printed high-waisted pants but I was afraid to wear them out, Delhi is not ready for printed pants and especially not in metro...So, I am trying to ease my way into it by wearing a plain black one first. May be now I will be bold enough to wear loud prints and colors....

Btw, I saw Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows-2 and mahn, it made me cry!! But fortunately I was prepared for it and had not applied kajal on my waterline hence no bleeding kajal scenario for me :P The movie was so touching, it was like witnessing the end of an era...the era of my childhood...Harry took my childhood with him. It feels so weird even to think that there would be no Voldemort terrorizing little wizards and there would be no Hogwarts! No Snape! No Hermoine! No Ron! No Neville! No Prof. McGonnagal! No Hagrid! No HARRY!!!!!! That's it, I can't write anymore....overwhelming emotions...:((((